Tuesday, January 5, 2016

 I set up this blog years ago and never followed through.

 Every New Year's, I make  resolutions to do all sorts of things.  One year, I decided I was going to lose weight and then concentrated on that.  Did I lose weight?  You betcha!  Eight-five pounds came off that year.  It took hard work and dedication but I lost it and kept it off for 5 years.

My interests are varied.  Cooking, crafts, bicycling and I really love chickens!   This year, I stumbled upon a blog about a young woman trying to run a farm by herself.  When I clicked on it, I stumbled on my own blog that I had set up so long ago.  I am still interested in tea and have had many experiences that involve tea.

First, I want to explain that I am NOT a writer.  Mistakes in grammar and structure will be made as well as other faux pas.

As with every other blogger, this is my experience, my opinion and my ideas.

OK, Grace in a China Cup, came about because I once had a beautiful cat named Grace.  She was there for me through thick and thin.  I was sure if she lived long enough, she would have spoken.  She was my light and warmth; my companion when I was lonely.  I would sit at my tiny table with my tea in the morning and she would sit in the chair across from me looking regal.  I would tell her my plans for the day and she would sit there and be the best of company.  Grace passed in 2010 and I miss her and think about her everyday.  So, I would start my day with Grace and a cup of tea.

Tea has always been in my life.  Mom always had a cup of tea in the morning and would dutifully hang on to the bag for several days.  I remember trying to drink tea with her and thinking, "If I drank dirty dishwater, this is what it would taste like."  I thought it was awful!  She would leave the teabag on a sauce and use it the next morning.  I guess it was a philosophy of being very frugal.  I would drink gallons of ice tea over the years and go through so many different brands looking for the taste that I thought should go with tea.  I mean it was a real live plant.  It should have a fresh taste!

Then one year, my sister that lives in Baltimore, MD, called me and said there was a new tea store in a mall near her and when I come to visit, we would go there.  That was the year I was introduced to Teavana.  Their store was set up almost like a kiosk.  There were things hanging from the ceiling and they had samples out to taste and people walking around with more samples.  They could probably spot me coming a mile away!  I was able to actually see and smell the loose tea.  I was in tea heaven!  I bought as much as I could at the time and always made sure I bought more when I visited.  There was the taste I was looking for with a smell to go along with it.

Now, Teavana is owned by Starbucks and I almost felt betrayed. (smile)  Anyway, I am still involved with tea and plan on doing all sorts of things with this blog.

Stay tuned, and drink tea!